Thursday, August 1, 2013

PG001(col. 271-272): First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians: Chapter 31.

(From the 1765 Venice edition of  André Galland's "Library of the Ancient Fathers", Tome 1, folio-size, p. 9)
Author:  André Galland

Googlebooks PDF: PG001

Chapter 31

Let us adhere, therefore, to his blessing, and let us see which <are> the paths of blessing.  Let us unroll the things <which have happened> from the beginning.  <By> whose grace was our father Abraham blessed[[24b]]?  <Was he> not <one who did> justice and truth through faith?  Isaac with trus{t kno}wing the future, glad{ly beca}me a sacrifice[[25b]].  Jacob with humil{ity} went out of h{is} land {fleeing <his> bro}ther, and journeyed to {Laban}[[26b]], and <became a servant>; and the twleve-scepter[[3]] of {Israel}[[27b]] was giv{en to him}.

Biblical Citations
24b.  James 2:21

25b.  Genesis 22:9

26b.  Genesis 28,29

27b.  3 Kings 11:31 according to the Septuagint[[A]]

3.  "the twelve-scepter":  This is, the twelve-tribe: for scepter is taken for tribe, as <in> 3 Kings 11:31[[A]]: "And I will give to you ten scepters, and two scepters will be to him."  Thus also our Clement <writes> <in> the following chapter, "but the remaining scepters".  Thus <is the opinion of> Young.  To which things <add if you please> from Ruchat[[here??]] that the same word with this very meaning is employed by the author of the "Testaments of the 12 Patriarchs", both in the "Testament of Dan", chapter 1: "So that <the> two tribes in Israel not be undone": [[Lat. Trans. Om.]]; and also in the "Testament of Naphthali", chapter 5: "They will inherit in captivity the 12 scepters of Israel": [[Lat. Trans. Om.]]--The same <sc. Gallandi>

My Notes
A.  The designation "3 Kings" is actually our 1 Kings.  The books of Samuel in the Septuagint were numbered as 1 & 2 Kings.  Consequently, our 1 & 2 Kings were numbered 3 & 4 Kings.  

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