Friday, August 2, 2013

PG001(col. 271-272): First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians: Chapter 32.

(From the 1765 Venice edition of  André Galland's "Library of the Ancient Fathers", Tome 1, folio-size, p. 9)
Author:  André Galland

Googlebooks PDF: PG001

Chapter 32

{If} one will sincerely comprehend each <thing> according to one <i.e., individually>, he will recognize {the sp}lended <things> of the gifts giv{en} by him.  For from him[[4]] <are> priest{s} and levites <,> all the minist{e}rs to the altar of God; from him <is> the Lord Jesus <considered> according to the flesh; from him <are> kings and rulers and leaders according to[[5]] Judah; but his remaining scepters are not in small glory, inasmuch as <with> God promising that "your seed will be as the stars of heaven"[[28b]].  All, therefore, were glorified and magnified not through themselves or their works or the <just-dealing> which you effected, but through his will.  And we, therefore, through his will in Christ Jesus having been called, not through ourselves are we just, nor through our wisdom or understanding or piety or works which we effected in holiness of heart; but through faith, through which the almighty God justified all of the of old[[6]]; to whom be the glory[[7]] in the ages of the ages.  Amen.

Biblical Citations
28b. Genesis 22:17 and 26:4

4.  "from him": Thus rightly Young <prints> with the editions, although the manuscript bears before itself, "from them".  The error clearly arose by the negligence of a librarian: for for presently, "from him", is twice repeated.--The same <sc. Gallandi>

5.  Cotelier translates, "on account of Judah", but other translators <translate>, "from the family and blood of Judah".  Clement declares that kings, princes, and leaders had <their> origin from Jacob according to the tribe of Judah.--Coustant

6.  "of the of old":  This is the manscript's reading, <with> Mill <as> witness, not however, "the <ones> of old", as the editors have[[A]].  It escaped Wotton.--Gallandi

7.  "be the glory":  <In> the imperial codices except for the London, the article "the" is absent, which the manuscript exhibits.--The same <sc. Gallandi>

My Notes
A.  This reading, however, is in the Codex Hierosolymitanus.

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