Monday, September 2, 2013

PG001(col. 279-282): First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians: Chapter 36.

(From the 1765 Venice edition of  AndrĂ© Galland's "Library of the Ancient Fathers", Tome 1, folio-size, p. 9)
Author:  AndrĂ© Galland

Googlebooks PDF: PG001

Chapter 36

This is the way, beloved, in which we find our salvation, Jesus Christ, the archpriest of our oblations, the defender and helper of our infirmity[[38_39b]].  Through this one <let us look attentively>[[43]] towards the heights of the heavens; through this one we reflect the blameless and supreme face of him; through this one the eyes of our heart were opened; through this one our ignorant and obscured understanding blooms towards his wonderful light[[44]]; through this one the Master wished us to taste immortal  knowledge; "who being radiance[[45]] of his majesty, by that much is he greater than the angels, by how much he has inherited a more excellent name"[[40b]].  For <it> has been written thus; "The <one making> the angels his spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire"[[41b]].  And to his son thus said the Master, "You are my son, I have engendered you today; you will ask from me and I will give to you people <as> your inheritance, a{nd} <as> your {poss}ession the boundaries of t{he earth}"[[42b]].  And again he says to h{im, "Sit} from my <right hands>, until {I place} your enemies <as> a stoo{l of} your {fee}t"[[43b]].  Therefore, who <are> the {hated of <the> Lord[[46]]}?  The depraved and {ones}marshal{ed} against[[47]] the will the wil...of God.

Biblical (& other) Citations
38_39b.  Photius, codex 126 of the "Library".

40b.  Wisdom 7:26 ; Hebrews 1:3,4

41b.  Psalm 103:4 ; Hebrews 1:7

42b.  Psalm 2:7,8 ; Hebrews 1:5

42b.  Psalm 109:1 ; Hebrews 1:13

43.  "Let us look attentively":  Thus clearly <reads> the manuscript, as the editions have: but, "we look attentively", should be read.  For presently the same manuscript exhibits, "we reflect", where the editions bear before themselves, "let us reflect".  <Wotton's note>.--Gallandi

44.  "Through this one...blooms":  Clement of Alexandria recites these words, "Miscellanies", book 4, chapter 16, page 613, where the distinguished Potter learnedly defends the word, "blooms", against Young disturbing it.  In the same opinion preceded Bois and Fell, with whom thenceforth Wotton agreed.  Thus <reads> psalm 27:7 : "And my flesh bloomed."  Thus also Philippians 4:10 : "But I rejoiced greatly in <the> Lord, because by now at last you made bloom <being concerned> on my behalf."  See, if you please, <Henricus> Svicerus in the "Ecclesiastical Thesaurus", see "I bloom".  Otherwise, the holy Father seems to have looked back to Romans 1:21 and 1 Peter 2:9.--The same <sc. Gallandi>

     --Perhaps "looks up at" or "examines carefully", that is, diligently and attentively contemplates: or rather the whole passage is thus to be read: "Through this one, in our ignorant and obscured understanding his wonderful light blooms", where with the Pauline phrasing he calls to Romans 1:21 : "ignorant" and "obscured understanding".--Young

45.  "who being radiance":  These <words are> from the Epistle to the Hebrews, and from the first chapter in almost the same words are taken, whence, also from other passages, "<the> similarity of character of speech and of thoughts", as Eusebius says, between this <epistle> of Clement's and the Epistle to the Hebrews easily is evident.--The same <sc. Young>

46.  "hated of the Lord":  Young with the editions <prints>, "his", in place of, "of <the> Lord".  That the manuscript's gap admits at most two letters, Wotton is witness, who consequently thinks that in it had been, "LD"[[A]], that is "of <the> Lord" : for thus that word is perpetually written in the same place.--Gallandi

47.  "ones marshaled against, etc.":  The editions <print> thus: "{ones}marshal{ed} against {God's}will, {his own} will,"[[B]] against the reliability of the manuscript codex, which thus <reads>:"{ONES}MARSHAL{ED} AGAINST THE WILL THE WIL...<of> GD"[[C]].  Hence, Wotton, removing the <second> "will", as overflowing with a librarian's laziness, thus reads: "{ones}marshal{ed} against the will {o}f God".  Davies <reads> otherwise.  <Anton> Birr marvels that Wotton here abandoned the codex. And so he himself thus restored this passage: "{ones}marshal{ed} against {their}will, {his own} will," or, "{ones}marshal{ed} against {their}will, the wil{l of} God".  Of course, he conjectures that <the word> "their", written with a brief mark, had been there overlooked by a librarian.--The same <sc. Gallandi>

My Notes
A.  The Greek "KY" with a line over it indicating an abbreviation is for the word "KYPIOY".  I have tried to render this phenomenon in English.

B.  This version changes the second article's omega to an omicron.  It's not possible to render this alteration into English.

C.  The manuscript is written in capital letters, and it uses a two letter abbreviation for the genitive case for, "God's".  This sort of abbreviation usually bears an line over it, but I can't reproduce that here.